By webadmin, 14 July, 2023

Financing the Future of Real Estate


In line with Vision 2030, Bidaya’s corporate solutions are designed to support the growth and strength of businesses during this important era of transformation.

Bidaya real estate financing solutions are straightforward, seamless, and hassle-free, enabling you to focus on growing your business. Furthermore, our mission at Bidaya is to prioritize the needs of our clients, which places your needs at the forefront of our partnership, because your success is our ultimate goal.

As your financing partner, Bidaya offers you:

Customized financing solutions based on your business needs, compliant with Islamic Sharia, which includes: Ijara, Murabaha, and Tawarruq program

Flexible monthly payments, quarterly, semi-annual, annual or end-of-term payments, in line with the cash flows of the funded project or the cash flow of the company.

Favorable conditions and reasonable profit rates

A specialized team of experts to expedite financing procedures and provide continuous support

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